2018 Grand Conclave is here!

Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye!

The annual Knights Regnum Caelestis Grand Conclave of 2018 ishere! This year we are hosted in the wonderfully diverse city of Killeen, TX.Our host encampment, Austin no. 2., welcomes you to a weekend filled with wisdom, chivalry, and fellowship.

How we got here

The story of the Knights Regnum begins in 1998, in the town of Dripping Springs. For a decade, the fraternity operated as a service organization and gaming club without any formal structures other than the leading triumvirate, council, and membership at large. In 2003, the document titled “purpose, passion, and performance” was penned by founding member Justin Glosson. In 2008, in the absence of the other triumvirate members, Sir Knight Glosson was given permission to experiment with recruitment, initiation, and hierarchical design in the game World of Warcraft. This led to the development, and reconstitution, of the Knights Regnum Caelestis, in 2011, unifying the digital and local bodies into one. Now, 20 years after our founding, we are blessed to have strong foundations, forward momentum, and a desire to learn more esoteric wisdom.

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Recruitment and Admissions

Grand Master update:

To join the Regnum in the Digital Format, you need not have a written application until you will be permanently granted membership via the Exalted Knight degree. We must have an application on file before you can be voted upon.

This means for digital activities, new members can keep a sense of anonymity and possibly grow from “just a guild mate” to a full fledged member.

Remember! Ask to Join, Seek advancement, Knock upon the door of Knighthood!

Initiate and Squire trials are still mandatory for membership of all types.

Being a Hero


“Myths and Creeds are heroic struggles to comprehend the truth in the world.”~ Ansel Adams

For the Living. As One.

The Knights Regnum exists as an essential component part of the journey of the hero. Our system of initiation is preparatory to the purpose and path of heroism. To be heroic is to step forward when the “non-heroic” would step back; to struggle infinitely against the pressures of opposition; to wield awesome powers of any kind – even the power of “No” – against extreme odds. Heroism is very real in our world. This is not a pithy request for more money for teachers, or some resolution of acceptance for those who struggle against social norms. This is a statement of declaration for all who are unsure of their own heroism. Continue reading

Dungeons & Dragons Faction: Knights Regnum

Many of you often ask questions about the D&D gaming we do in the Regnum. Most of these are at the table, but sometimes we play D&D in a chatroom or even in WoW. I’m here today to share with you the 5th Edition Charms and Blessings that are associated with each rank of the Regnum. Remember that if you are going to include these, you should run them by your Dungeon Master first. Continue reading