Knight’s Fast

The annual fasting of the Knights Regnum hails from an ancient gnostic tradition of allowing the body to “die” before the winter solstice. It is thought that the earliest Christians practiced this, learning it from their Jewish mentors in the gnostic path. The principle fast is only three days, but there are several days leading up to it that are important. Some argue the fast began on the Solstice and lasted for three days. We do not make arguments, nor do we claim lineage or importance, but we instead practice concluding our fast with a vow and oath of atonement on the Solstice.

    If you are not a Knight, but you want to participate, we wholly welcome you into our spiritual practice. The Knights Regnum are a mystical order hailing from many different religions, and we value our integrity, and yours. If you want help on this fast, feel free to ask us! We are here for you. It is never too late to start the fast.

Dietary Practices

The Knight’s Fast begins December 1 and lasts until December 21. During this fast, we do not eat certain foods, based upon the day of the month during the fast. The goal is to get the body ready for three days (18, 19, and 20) where we have only water and no other nourishment.

Entire Fast

The following foods are avoided the entirety of the fast:

  • Meat of any kind
  • Processed food of any kind
  • Caffeine, Nicotine, or any other Stimulants (including Sugar)
  • Alcohol, THC, or any other Depressants (including antihistamine)
  • Candies, junk food, or any other non-essential, nutrient giving food. No High Fructose Corn Syrups.

Health Warning

Do not force yourself to fast if it is unhealthy. If you require antihistamines for quality of life, take them. If you get sick, take medicine. Addiction is hard to deal with, and you should follow your Doctor’s advice on this matter.

    Irritability. The first three days are the hardest. After you break your addiction to caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup, you will feel very clean and happy. Stick through it!

I Made a Mistake

Part of the practice of fasting is being mindful of what you put in your body. “Making a mistake” does not mean the end of your fast. It means you are aware of your actions and behaviors, even down to the core of your existence. Take a moment to reflect, then return to practicing the fast.

Special Drink

Per tradition, every Knight has a special drink they use to maintain the integrity of their identity. Only in the final three days of the fast are they not allowed to drink those special drinks. For example, mine is Grape Juice.

Water is Life

You must drink water. If you do not, you will suffer ill effects and hurt the longevity of your well-being.

Days 1-12: Vegetarian Phase

You may eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, drink vegetable or fruit juice, and in general do anything you want that doesn’t violate the above. This includes legumes (beans) and other delicious, healthy food.

    During this first phase, we are cutting out the bulk of the chemical dependence we have, and behavioral dependence upon comfort food.

    You may drink non-stimulant tea during this phase.

Days 12-18: Grain Phase

You may only eat grains and herb spice flavoring.

Days 18-20: Death Phase

Water only. Meditate often.

Day 21: Renew Oaths

We renew our oaths together. The oath of renewal is in another document that is private. This usually involves wine.

Behavioral Practices

It is tradition that during the fast, Knights abstain from sexual activity and any gratuitous activity that does not better the self or those around them. Simply put, live your best, righteous, loving, and charity driven life. This is a time away from aggressive struggle. This is a time to reflect and meditate. Below are some meditation guides for the various phases of the fast.

Elemental Meditation

The first three days of meditation are simple: focus on being present in your body and remove distraction of thought. This is not to say that thoughts are bad, just that you should acknowledge them, be thankful for them (mindful), and allow them to pass without judgment.

    Days 4-8 should be spent meditating upon each element in the following order: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Aether (spirit). Once this is complete, spend 5 more days meditating upon the whole human experience, involving all five elements within you.

Celestial Meditation

The next stage, beginning on day 14 and extending to day 20, are the Celestial meditations. If you are familiar with these heavenly images, use the following each day, in order, in addition to your regular meditation system:

  • Silver Sea (Moon)
  • Crystal Caves (Mercury)
  • Pearl Archway (Venus)
  • Golden Vale of Sunlight (Sun)
  • Platinum City of Unity (Mars)
  • Glittering Temple of Splendor (Jupiter)
  • Pure Radiance of the Mount (Saturn)

If these images are not imprinted in your mind (for example, if you are not a Companion of the Order or higher), a useful strategy is still to meditate upon the energies of each heaven in relation to your own behaviors. Always remember, your personal meditation strategy is the best strategy for you. These are special options that can help during this time. Do not cease your own practice.

Let us know what you think!