As the Knights Regnum continues to grow and change, filling the needs of its membership, it became necessary to close some encampments. All of those Local Members are now members of the Austin Area Encampment #2.
Austin Area Encampment #2 – Austin, TX
Congratulations to the new officers installed for the following Chivalric Year.
Knight- Commander Kiree Bons
Knight-Captain Jonathan Holder
Knight-Lieutenant Jeff McMillen
Digital Encampment
Our digital encampment is currently under the administration of the Grand Master.
Right now, the only active digital encampment is on World of Warcraft, Moon Guard Alliance.
We have also added a Discord server to the list of meeting grounds, allowing us to communicate between Local and Digital Encampments with ease. If you are a Knight and have not received this information, please let us know! E-mail grandmaster@knightsregnum.orgĀ directly to get started.
Membership at Large
To all Knights wherever dispersed,
It is a time of growing. It is a time of change. We are building powerful tools to help the Fraternity grow and weather the storm of our lives. Many Encampments demised this June because of constitutional reasons. That’s OK! It happens. It doesn’t mean we’re low on Encampments. It means that we can focus our energy on where we find our strengths and build from there.
We have some amazing regalia producers coming to assist us with the revised list of regalia for the Knighthood. Look out for a letter soon to get your sizes.
Never Retreat!