It is a hard time in our world, especially in the world of politics and racial struggles. I invite all members, near and far, to join me in a celebration.
This website has grown leaps and bounds in the last few months, and our fraternal order has grown in the last five years like I have never seen it. Our digital encampment might be experiencing a lull in membership, but our local encampments are growing strong.
For example, we have new members in the Austin Area Encampment over the last three years that have warranted notification:
Kiree Bons was elected Knight-Captain after being initiated under the tutelage of Knight Commander Justin Glosson. Josh Farmer, an older member, was elected to Knight-Lieutenant. Dana Evans and Karl Stark began the process of joining the Knighthood this year! And though it has been two years in his performing of the trials, so has Jeff McMillen.
The New Jersey knights are growing, too! Knight Commander Adam Poling has two or three upcoming Knights!
There is a petition from Bakersfield California for a digital Knight to be allowed to open a Local Encampment! Kudos Julian Ortiz.
In the digital encampment, Charles Stafford and Drake Smith both achieved the status of Master Knight this past year.
My fellow Knights, this is the greatest time and opportunity for growth and to stand up for what we truly believe in as a fraternity. That is the complete devotion to UNITY of all souls.
We have revamped our initiation process for digital and local membership, allowing for allegorical instruction as in the ancient times of Albert Pike before he rewrote all the degrees of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction. We have had an amazing opportunity in our digital environment with the new Warcraft currency standard with the USD. This has helped us in our process of cementing our 501.c3 status.
Knights, it would be much easier for us to accept 501.c8/c10 status, but we are striving for something much more meaningful. Something much more permanent.
So, here is to celebration within our fraternity. Within our ORDER.
Pro Regnum Aura!
‡Justin R. Glosson