Digital Encampment: Calendar

We have a new weekly schedule for Digital events in the World of Warcraft® universe. Remember, our primary server for digital activity is Moon Guard (times are CST). Find “ivstinus” in game for more details, or type /who knights regnum to find any member online.

Week at a Glance


Study with an Officer (7-10)

(This event may be switched out with a Degree as necessary.)

Open Forum (7-8)

Ask any questions about the process, advancement, and submit any requests for help in performing your trials. This is also a time to meet with the Grand Master for Knights to practicing opening and closing meetings.

Guided Lesson (8-9)

  • 8-8:30 Aspirant Lesson
  • 8:30-8:45 Companion Lesson
  • 8:45-9:00 Master Lesson

Trial Work (9-10)

Mentors, including Knight-Lieutenants and Knight-Captains will be available to help you perform your trials, or get you set up for when you perform your trial.


Game Content (8:30 to 10:30)

Need quests? Dungeons? We’re here to do it together.




Degrees and Group Role Play

(If there is no degree scheduled for the evening, we will have a group role play led by one of our members.)






Raid 8-11 with Casual Business

The guild Casual Business has generously offered any committed members of the Knights Regnum a spot in their Heroic Nighthold raid. This will continue into Tomb of Sargeras, but expectation of gear and attention to raid detail is high.

This entry was posted in Digital.

Let us know what you think!