We have a new weekly schedule for Digital events in the World of Warcraft® universe. Remember, our primary server for digital activity is Moon Guard (times are CST). Find “ivstinus” in game for more details, or type /who knights regnum to find any member online.
Week at a Glance
Study with an Officer (7-10)
(This event may be switched out with a Degree as necessary.)
Open Forum (7-8)
Ask any questions about the process, advancement, and submit any requests for help in performing your trials. This is also a time to meet with the Grand Master for Knights to practicing opening and closing meetings.
Guided Lesson (8-9)
- 8-8:30 Aspirant Lesson
- 8:30-8:45 Companion Lesson
- 8:45-9:00 Master Lesson
Trial Work (9-10)
Mentors, including Knight-Lieutenants and Knight-Captains will be available to help you perform your trials, or get you set up for when you perform your trial.
Game Content (8:30 to 10:30)
Need quests? Dungeons? We’re here to do it together.
Degrees and Group Role Play
(If there is no degree scheduled for the evening, we will have a group role play led by one of our members.)
Raid 8-11 with Casual Business
The guild Casual Business has generously offered any committed members of the Knights Regnum a spot in their Heroic Nighthold raid. This will continue into Tomb of Sargeras, but expectation of gear and attention to raid detail is high.